「Kanon」」「Air」等で有名なKeyの前身の会社から販売されました伝説のソフトです。 写真の通り、シュリンクに若干スレ等ございますが未開封品です。 新品未開封の同品はほとんど出回らないです。 この機会にいかがでしょうか(⌒∇⌒) This is a legendary software sold by the predecessor company of Key, which is famous for products such as ``Kanon and ``Air. As you can see in the photo, there are some scratches on the shrink, but it is an unopened item. Brand new, unopened items are rarely available. How about taking this opportunity?(⌒∇⌒) Windows98/Me/2000/XP DVDソフト MOON. DVD LimitedEdition Tactics Nexton