Karen A. Reinhardt Handbook for Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications (Wiley-Scrivener)英語版 洋書書き込みなし。ごくわずかなスレや小傷等あり。使用感少なく、キレイな状態です。※他多数出品しております。まとめて見る場合はコチラから→ #ぴよこ222 ※商品によってはメルカリ便に変更出来ます。ご購入前にお声がけ下さいませ。◾︎本誌概要◾︎Provides an In-depth discussion of surface conditioning for semiconductor applicationsThe Handbook of Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing: Fundamentals and Applications provides an in-depth discussion of surface conditioning for semiconductor applications. The fundamental physics and chemistry associated with wet processing is reviewed as well as surface and colloidal aspects of cleaning and etching.Topics covered in this new reference include:Front end line (FEOL) and back end of line (BEOL) cleaning applications such as high-k/metal gate post-etch cleaning and pore sealing, high-dose implant stripping and cleaning, and germanium, and silicon passivation